1999年清海無上師為了讓大眾能將修行理念融入生活,特地設計了「Happy Yogi」(快樂修行人)系列休閒服,以提醒世人時時往內尋找,記取知足常樂的本性。

In 1999 Supreme Master Ching Hai designed a series of leisure clothing "Happy Yogi" to merge the concept of spiritual practice in daily life. The purpose is to awaken our true inner-Self and remember the nature of contentment.


「Happy Yogi」系列是流行與靈性的結合,正與時下蔚起的休閒風潮相應,讓人人穿出流行,也穿出靈性。材質都採用上等的棉麻等天然纖維,穿著舒適,線條簡單俐落,象徵年輕朝氣。色彩以高明度居多,花色的靈感來自於大自然,花團錦簇,正如百花盛開,象徵喜悅和美。

"Happy Yogi" integrates fashion and spirituality, echoing the style of present time and representing individual vogue and ethereality. All materials adopt high quality of natural cotton and linen fabrics. Not only do they feel comfortable but also portray juvenile dynamism through simple contour. The color schemes are mostly bright; the inspirations of the patterns are directly derived from nature as if there were hundred of flowers blossoming and symbolizing joy and beauty.