S. M. Celestial Jewelry Series III
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Wisdom Eye

The ascending angle sparks a delightful mood; upon finding te Wisdom Eye, all becomes glorious heaven. The hollowed portion appears light and clear, it carries an air of nobility.

"There are two doors. One leads to the highest place within the Three Realms, which is called "Brahmadeva" in Buddhism. If this door is opened, you also will have some wisdom and blessed reward. The other door leads to endless worlds above the Three Realms. The 'wisdom-eye' I am talking about is the door which leads to the pure land above the Three Realms."

"One who practices the meditation of Quan Yin(Transcendental seeing and hearing) will have wisdom-eye and the Buddha-light will always be with him. If we practice more, we will see more the light of Buddha, and by and by become our own masters."

Extracted from "The Key of Instant Enlightening" Vol.1,Page 192
"The Mystery of Wisdom-eye"

Q: How do you develop the third-eye?

A: You don't develop the third eye, it's already there. We can't develop what is not the material, you see? The third eye is just a way of speaking, there isn't an eye at all! It just means that normally we have two eyes and we see things in a limited vision, but if we have the other eye, the third eye, we can see things in the whole universe. That's why it's called the third eye. But actually the soul don't need eyes to see, don't need ears to hear, don't need any sensory apparatus to perceive things, understand? And that's the highest truth, that's the highest perception without havingto use any freshly instrument. That is our soul power, the supreme Master within us, which knows all things, hears all things in all ways, in everywhere, yes. That's what we have to find. Because we are that, we are the supreme Master of all the universe, can you imagine how great you are?

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai at Hawaii, U.S.A
March 28,1993 (Originally in English)

Always Try To Remain Concentrated On The Wisdom Center

"In walking, sleeping, talking, sitting, and lying down, always try to remain concentrated on the wisdom center. In that way you'll speedily progress and you will feel that progress. The more you progress, the more encouraged you will feel and then the more you will practice. It's a pity that we already have the method and we don't use it. "

Spoken By Supreme Master Ching Hai, Hsihu, Formosa
June 5, 1995 (Originally In English)


Born Anew
Spring Your Soul
Positive Victory
To the Other Shore
(Black Jet Stone)
To the Other Shore (Turquoise)
Wisdom Eye
The Future Buddha
The Hidden Force Connection
Seeing with Soul